Tetraploids are marked Tet.

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Hegira Imperial Presence I. ensata species Indigo Angel Japanese Plum
Hegira Sold Out (Innerst 86) 6F. White,  blue veins and styles
Imperial Presence Sold Out (Rich, J by Bauer-Coble 95) 3F. Classic form pure white self
I. ensata $10.00 The species. 3F. VVE 3" pendant wine-red, found in northern Japan and northern China
Indigo Angel Sold Out (Bauer/Coble 11) 6F. 36" M. Very striking purple veins on light ground. Purple styles and edges
Japanese Plum Sold Out (Harris 10) 6F. 38" ML Rich velvety plum red. Riffled


Jocasta Kalamazoo Kimono Silk Knip Won Lake Effect


Jocasta $10.00 (Innerst 88) 6F. Late. Red- to rose-violet veins, petal edges, and styles on liter ground; blue-violet halo
Kalamazoo Sold Out (Hazzard 89) 3F. S. purple; styles purple; F.  Purple veining out to white edges. Payne Medal 1996
Kimono Silk Sold Out (Bauer/Coble 08) 6F. Pure white with bright blue brushing between veins
Knip Won Sold Out (Jill Copeland 17) 3F. 37" M Dark pink center and veins. Stds dark pink, Styles dark Rose
Lake Effect $16.00 (Bauer/Coble 04) 6F. Very nearly true blue w/ light blue edges. Ruffled, modern flared form.


Lion King Love Goddess Midnight Clouds Miharu Nancy Queen Of Hearts
Lion King $18.00 (Bauer/Coble 96) 9F. Layered rose-edged petals with white centers; white styles. Roar!
Love Goddess $12.00 (Payne 69) 6F. Ivory white
Midnight Clouds $14.00 (Bauer/Coble 10) 6F. Ruffled blue-violet, dk blue halos, light rays, white styles
Miharu $20.00 (Shimizu 04) 6F. 27" Petals pink, slightly deeper at edges, wide, ruffled; Style arms white with pink edge, very frilled
Nancy Queen Of Hearts $25.00 (Jill Copeland 23) Tet. 3F. Purple standards and styles; Falls lavender ground with purple halo and long veins. Heavy substance


Rainbow Darter Red Tessa Rings A Bell Ruffled White Water Sakura Komachi


Rainbow Darter $8.00 (Jill Copeland 05) 3F. White, brushed blue, standards have red violet rim
Red Tessa Sold Out (Aitken 07) 6F. Dark red-violet with deep purple veins and styles
Rings A Bell $20.00 (Bauer/Coble 11) 6 F. 36" M. White with pink edges and styles. Flaring form with heavy substance
Ruffled White Water $10.00 (Copeland 09) 6F M. Full formed ruffled white
Sakura Komachi Sold Out (Ichie 82) 3F. 30". Falls true pink with slightly darker veins; styles light pink. Best 3Fpink


Saru Odori Satozakura Second Wave Shores of Time Silent Thunder
Saru Odori Sold Out (Japan <20) 3F. S. rose. F. rosy center halo shades out to pale edges. Flaring arched  form
Satozakura Sold Out (Kamo 93) 3F. E. Huge lavender-pink with lighter edges
Second Wave $10.00 (Aitken 05)6F. Deep blue self; yellow signal
Shores of Time Sold Out (Bauer/Coble 08) Jaunty white petals dusted blue in the center with a nest of bright blue tipped styles
Silent Thunder $10.00 (Bauer/Coble 96) 9-12F Multi layers of rose-violet with dark violet style crests. Late.


Silken Charm Silverband Snowy Nills Sue Jo Sugar Dome


Silken Charm $20.00 (Bauer/Coble 10) 3F. Bright white with pink picotee rim
Silverband $12.00 (Bauer/Coble 89) 3F. 34" red-wine species bloom on cream variegated foliage. I. ensata `variegata
Snowy Hills $10.00 (Marx 54) 6F. Pure white
Sue Jo $25.00 (Delmez 03) 6F. Ruffled and flared white, heavily veined blue; contrasting deep purple styles
Sugar Dome Sold Out (Bauer/Coble 08) 6F. Upright white stylearms in center of bright blue falls with white veins


Tarnhelm Tideline Tropical Storm Tsuyuzorabare Victorian Trim


Tarnhelm $12.00 (Bauer/Coble 97) 9F. Layers of pure white
Tideline Sold Out (Bauer/Coble 95) 6F. White with narrow blue-violet borders; white styles with blue tipped crests
Tropical Storm $18.00 (Bauer/Coble 96) 9-12F. Late. Blue halo with red-violet shading to the near white rims
Tsuyuzorabare $14.00 (Hirao 85) 9-12F.  White, sanded and veined light blue-violet. Multipetal
Victorian Trim $12.00 (Bauer/Coble 09) 6F. M Ruffled red violet, heavily veined with white


Wave Action White Caps Wispy Clouds Yamanobe  
Wave Action $25.00 (Bauer/Coble 09) 6F. M Near white, brushed and veined light blue in center
White Caps $14.00 (Copeland 08) 6F. Vivid blue falls with some white rays and pure white styles
Wispy Clouds $18.00 (Bauer/Coble 04) 6F. Very pale blue, garden effect is a pastel blue; full and ruffled
Yamanobe $14.00 (Japan) 3F. 3" bloom. S. white, rose rims; F. violet around many white rays. White styles. Open form


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